
Designing worlds, weaving tales, and forging experiences that linger long after the pixels fade.

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Let's Talk

For commissions or any queries, send a detailed description of what you are looking for from me, through any of the below medium.

who i am

Weighted by trepidation born of years of darkness and doubt, I nonetheless have been chosen into this venture for the cautious hope and empathy towards the universe.I write, read and make fiction, for I find reality wearisome.

Live life truly, experiencing everything away from comfort while being able to have a roof and food so that I can give a life to my ideas and shape them. because

I don't choose an Idea, it chooses me and I decide how it's conveyed. Get it to life either through the medium of Film, Game or VR experience as
I believe only through this an idea can be experienced. For some truly, and others, passively.

what i want to do

Live life truly, experiencing everything away from comfort while being able to have a roof and food so that I can give a life to my ideas and shape them. because

"The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you."

I don't choose an Idea, it chooses me and I decide how it's conveyed. Get it to life either through the medium of Film, Game or VR experience as
I believe only through this an idea can be experienced. For some truly, and others, passively.

why game development

Exploring worlds and interacting with them has always fascinated me. Games, with their ability to immerse players in vast and intricate universes, have provided me with an avenue to get lost in these alternate realities and find moments of meditation within their depths.My journey with games began at a young age, although I didn't consistently play throughout my childhood. Instead, I engaged with games at different phases of my life, each experience leaving a lasting impression. Whether sweating over the intricate Enemy AI in Project IGI missions or strategizing raids on villages in Age of Empires, I found myself captivated by the endless possibilities that gaming offered.However, it wasn't until I began exploring game development tools like Unity Engine and Unreal Engine that I realized creating games wasn't beyond my reach. Delving into the process of rendering worlds and bringing them to life, I discovered a newfound passion for game development. The prospect of collaborating with other creatives to craft immersive experiences excited me, igniting a spark that propelled me into the world of game development.Just as I enjoy a variety of movies, I find myself drawn to a diverse range of games. While I may have once gravitated towards AAA open-world titles and competitive multiplayer games, I've since broadened my horizons to explore the rich tapestry of indie games. By diversifying my gaming experiences, I've uncovered the beauty of this unrecognized art form, discovering gems that challenge my perceptions and inspire my own creative endeavors.Through game development, I aim to contribute to this vibrant and ever-evolving medium, crafting experiences that resonate with players on a profound level. Whether it's through immersive storytelling, innovative gameplay mechanics, or breathtaking visuals, I strive to create games that leave a lasting impact and invite players to embark on unforgettable journeys of their own.

why filmmaking

Since I was a child, I've been a relentless daydreamer. Growing up, I faced my fair share of pain and troubles, and often found solace in the world of cinema. It became my sanctuary, a place where I could escape from reality and immerse myself in stories that transcended the boundaries of my own experiences.Film became more than just entertainment; it became a lifeline. It offered me an escape, a way to navigate through the complexities of life and find meaning in the mundane. I found myself indebted to the medium, grateful for the moments of respite it provided during some of my darkest times.But my journey with filmmaking goes beyond mere escapism. It's about the joy of collaboration, of bringing together a diverse array of talents and perspectives to create something that resonates deeply with others. It's about crafting narratives that are unconventional yet profoundly human, stories that make people feel seen and understood in ways they never imagined.For me, filmmaking is a labor of love—a constant pursuit of that elusive spark of creativity, a relentless quest to capture the essence of the human experience in all its beauty and complexity. It's a journey marked by moments of triumph and failure, but through it all, I remain steadfast in my commitment to creating art that moves, inspires, and challenges the status quo.

Game Developer

Please note that this portfolio is constantly evolving as I refine and polish my projects. Thank you for your understanding as I strive to showcase my work at its best.
